Who wants to delete a level playing field
This post has been updated since the initial publication.
one week in this part of strange things happen in the world of Italian television. The triggering event was the meeting of the Supervisory Board of RAI on Tuesday.
Decisions taken at that time are essentially two: the exclusion of smaller parties from the stands during the first month of the election campaign and the requirement for transmission to submit to the deepening political level playing field.
The first decision, voted on by members jointly PD and PDL, has created serious reactions, except for a note of concern Napolitano, taken only a few newspapers.
The second - the radical proposal Marco Beltrandi and passed by the votes of the PDL and that abstention UDC leaving the classroom as the PD could have missed the quorum - the second, I said, came down the world (televised). The fuss? Are touched transmissions Vespa (Porta a Porta), Santoro (AnnoZero), Floris (Ballarò) and Annunziata (In half an hour).
In essence, the four conductors are no longer free to invite who they want in their programs but should also submit them to the level playing field. Therefore, if vorranno andare in onda, dovranno consentire ( ma solo nell'ultimo mese di campagna elettorale ) l'accesso ad esponenti di tutte le forze politiche.
Verranno penalizzati (forse) gli ascolti. Ma non mi pare un grosso scandalo. In fondo si chiede di applicare una norma che è la sinistra stessa ad avere voluto: la par condicio. E fino ad una settimana fa, l'unico a volerla eliminare era Berlusconi, impossibilitato ad avvalersi appieno del suo conflitto di interessi.
Volete davvero togliere la par condicio e fare così un regalo a Berlusconi? Fate pure. Ma poi non venite a lamentarvi se vi sembra di essere finiti in un libro di Orwell. No, non mi sto riferendo a "1984", ma a " La fattoria degli animals.
Update 25_02_2010
On the site of the Bonino List Pannella is a FAQ page on rules for talk show . to read, especially the part on which members of the minor parties to AnnoZero and Ballarò.