Are you really free to choose?
La prima volta che l'hai sentita, durante il festival di Sanremo, quella canzone non ti è sembrata niente di speciale, vero? Sì, tutto sommato orecchiabile ma ti piaceva di più quell'altra. Solo che "quell'altra", nell'ultimo mese non l'hai più sentita. Le radio non l'hanno never passed. They went instead to offer every day that "nothing special". So that you refrain came into his head to point to sing in the shower or in the evening leaving the job.
Radios have chosen for you. They decided that what you had to listen to and what not. Of course, respectable choice, since each radio is free to its schedules and decide freely what broadcast team (as long as there are under under agreements with the record companies). But meanwhile, the other song has been damaged. Less radio airplay means less sales for the single and the album, and also means less "pulling effect" for the next single. And if this is an emerging artist, this can mean break the career in the bud.
short radio DJs have the ability to influence our choices in music. Up to a certain point, of course. A lover of pop music, seldom become a fan of Metallica, despite the radio listening to their songs usually walk twice a day. But within the same gender, a shift driven implement radio listeners' tastes.
I try now to extend the reasoning to political talk show hosts. As rightly Aldo Grasso wrote in the Courier last week, Door to Door, AnnoZero Ballarò and move a few votes from a deployment another. But in the same camp?
How important, for example, the space given to Di Pietro Santoro in the transmission. How many votes by moving the shafts of Labor PD Italy of Values? And how important is the fact that some parties are systematically excluded from these talk shows?
Following approval of the new regulation on the level playing by the Vigilance Commission, Floris had attacked the new standard in its program, saying that he was always invited (and would continue to call on) the only political " count "(as Polverini? What counted before being hosted to Ballarò?). But who decides who is counting on policy? Voters. And how voters form an opinion? Through the political talk shows. The dog chasing its tail.
Thus, if a party never appears on television, is designed to collect poor rates in elections and, therefore, not rely to much on a political level which means, following the logic of Floris, not to be housed in political talk shows. (En passant, if this technique was adopted in 1994 with Forza Italy, now probably would not need a level playing field. The downside is that we would Occhetto the government.)
But there's more. If it is true, as claimed by Furio Colombo, who is Ballarò guests asked if they want to move to the claque, means that all the ideas expressed by the politicians present, however absurd, however, receive their share of applause in the studio. And here it triggers a psychological mechanism that leads the average viewer not to think for themselves but to trust the people cheering. A little 'as the fake laughter in the American sitcom, set in post-production for "infected" the viewer.
least during the election campaign, is so outrageous to expect that all parties have equal access to television and that all voters can freely form their ideas about who to vote for?
PS: I do not have either with Floris, nor with Santoro. It gives me just a little 'annoyance that make the santarelline.