missed 29_12_2009
There are many who deserve a news post, but my chronic lack of time often forces me to Bignami on twitter .
From time to time I will try to gather here at bifurcation those more significant.
How caring of contradictions. On the other hand, what is a shield if there's nothing to throw at you? http://tinyurl.com/ykhlwd2
Consistency would ... After praising the writing appeared on walls in Tartaglia La Sapienza, Maroni plans to close all of the faculty of Sociology in Italy?
FB never trust appearances. But this can be defined as viral marketing, or falls into the category "bad faith intent &" http://tinyurl.com/y9tg4bc
Privacy on the Web. Luckily I only my bookmarks on Yahoo ... http://tinyurl.com/yk32o3d
Aqueducts public or private? While in Italy is to privatize water in Paris (after 25 years of mismanagement private) is back: http://tinyurl.com/yhy3tva
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Seating Chart Template Restaurant
Eccomi di nuovo XD
Hello girls ^ ^ how are you?? I strangely good = D. .. good lunch today: a piece of meat ... Snack: 1 orange .. dinner disaster ç_ç my uncle invited me to dinner and I wanted to look bad as nn and make a good girl I ate: less than 20g of pasta with tomato and a piece of plain turkey salad course and then Okki dragon:) then I took the dog out ... girls do you think you can fall in love with two people??
Hello girls ^ ^ how are you?? I strangely good = D. .. good lunch today: a piece of meat ... Snack: 1 orange .. dinner disaster ç_ç my uncle invited me to dinner and I wanted to look bad as nn and make a good girl I ate: less than 20g of pasta with tomato and a piece of plain turkey salad course and then Okki dragon:) then I took the dog out ... girls do you think you can fall in love with two people??
Friday, December 25, 2009
Is Duct Tape Smokable
Scusate ç_ç
^ ^ Merry Christmas to all .... I apologize because it is a good deal 'that I do not write ... I do not know why I did not, maybe laziness xD ... VBB home yesterday .. HELP!! DISASTER! I ate so much .. Grease and ç_ç ... I will not weigh myself ... fasting today so far nothing .. I do not know how I will not eat anything but today at least until New Year *-* ... I have to lose weight lose weight lose weight!! How are you girls? you received? I am materialistic but the only nice thing about the Christmas gifts are ... XD VBB I greet you all a kiss and again Merry Christmas!
ps. I will try to write every day:)
^ ^ Merry Christmas to all .... I apologize because it is a good deal 'that I do not write ... I do not know why I did not, maybe laziness xD ... VBB home yesterday .. HELP!! DISASTER! I ate so much .. Grease and ç_ç ... I will not weigh myself ... fasting today so far nothing .. I do not know how I will not eat anything but today at least until New Year *-* ... I have to lose weight lose weight lose weight!! How are you girls? you received? I am materialistic but the only nice thing about the Christmas gifts are ... XD VBB I greet you all a kiss and again Merry Christmas!
ps. I will try to write every day:)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tweezerman Eyelash Curler Review
If the problem is the network of war
do not think the Minister Maroni, has realized that he had contradicted himself. Before candidly admits that Berlusconi could be killed and after fulfilling the security service.
But how? A man alone, and more with mental problems can seriously hurt the prime minister and the stock does not have any responsibility?
Se invece di Tartaglia ci fosse stato un commando o una cellula terroristica, oggi mezza Italia piangerebbe Silvio martire.
Ma per il Ministro dell'Interno questo non è un problema: il problema è Internet. I siti che inneggiano al gesto sono da oscurare. E i fan di Massimo Tartaglia sono dei criminali. Sono loro i colpevoli. Perché l'offesa al senso comune è più grave dell'incapacità di una squadra di bodyguard.
do not think the Minister Maroni, has realized that he had contradicted himself. Before candidly admits that Berlusconi could be killed and after fulfilling the security service.
But how? A man alone, and more with mental problems can seriously hurt the prime minister and the stock does not have any responsibility?
Se invece di Tartaglia ci fosse stato un commando o una cellula terroristica, oggi mezza Italia piangerebbe Silvio martire.
Ma per il Ministro dell'Interno questo non è un problema: il problema è Internet. I siti che inneggiano al gesto sono da oscurare. E i fan di Massimo Tartaglia sono dei criminali. Sono loro i colpevoli. Perché l'offesa al senso comune è più grave dell'incapacità di una squadra di bodyguard.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Cysts In Groin/crying
La settimana scorsa il Senato ha votato il decreto di rifinanziamento delle missioni all'estero per il 2010. Fin qui niente di strano: è una cosa che va fatta annualmente. Ma questa volta, il Governo ha pensato bene di inserirvi anche l'immunità per i nostri soldati.
The Democratic Party, that during the discussion had left the classroom, it has participated in the final vote and voted for the reappointment compact, taking refuge behind the "sense of responsibility." The only exception came from the "usual" Radicals and Members of Italia dei Valori. On the other hand, journalism, the only newspaper to report the news was Il Manifesto.
As stated in the brief article, our military mission abroad will not be punished for various crimes culpable, "from murder to environmental damage."
But should not be there in "peace mission"?
(And in any case, I would like to remind our Senatori che il Tribunale Penale Internazionale dell'Aia se ne frega dell'impunità votata dal parlamento italiano.)
La settimana scorsa il Senato ha votato il decreto di rifinanziamento delle missioni all'estero per il 2010. Fin qui niente di strano: è una cosa che va fatta annualmente. Ma questa volta, il Governo ha pensato bene di inserirvi anche l'immunità per i nostri soldati.
The Democratic Party, that during the discussion had left the classroom, it has participated in the final vote and voted for the reappointment compact, taking refuge behind the "sense of responsibility." The only exception came from the "usual" Radicals and Members of Italia dei Valori. On the other hand, journalism, the only newspaper to report the news was Il Manifesto.
As stated in the brief article, our military mission abroad will not be punished for various crimes culpable, "from murder to environmental damage."
But should not be there in "peace mission"?
(And in any case, I would like to remind our Senatori che il Tribunale Penale Internazionale dell'Aia se ne frega dell'impunità votata dal parlamento italiano.)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Is Diazepam Safe During Pregnancy
You change
E' giunto il momento di abbandonare Sandman. Il mio vecchio nick ha finito per non rappresentarmi più. Per il momento lascio l'immagine, più che altro per non disorientare troppo i vecchi visitatori, ma presto o tardi scomparirà anche l'ultimo ricordo del signore dei sogni.
Se vogliamo che tutto rimanga come è, bisogna che tutto cambi!
E' giunto il momento di abbandonare Sandman. Il mio vecchio nick ha finito per non rappresentarmi più. Per il momento lascio l'immagine, più che altro per non disorientare troppo i vecchi visitatori, ma presto o tardi scomparirà anche l'ultimo ricordo del signore dei sogni.
Se vogliamo che tutto rimanga come è, bisogna che tutto cambi!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Antenna To Hdmi Converter
Experimental Physics - Why can not you walk through walls
La maggior parte degli atomi che ci circonda è composta di vuoto. Protoni, neutroni ed elettroni occupano in totale all'incirca un millesimo di miliardesimo del volume dell'atomo. Quindi, with all this space (as much as 99.9999999999%), the interpenetration between the two bodies should be such a thing possible, even if our everyday experience tells us otherwise. But, for once, the experience is right. Here's why.
I need a volunteer. Hey you! Yes, I speak just to you! You seem smart enough, then you will go very well for my little experiment today. Let's start.
First, a hand caressed each other. Yes, you read right. Up, caressed. Well, now scratched. Yes, always help, but go easy: without drawing blood. Excellent! And now, clap your hands. Again. Stronger. End of the first part of the experiment.
Now you have to answer a simple question: when you touched, or better, when you think there was contact between the two hands?
The correct answer is: ever!
Yes, you read that right. Your hands have never touched in the sense that their atoms have never come in contact. No matter what they tell you to your senses. The reality is this: you never touched anyone!
not you trust? Here's the answer: just atoms you can not touch each other (if not inside the particle accelerators) because their outer layer is composed of electrons (more precisely one should speak of electron cloud surrounding the atom). And for the Coulomb force, two electrons will tend to move away, and even if forced, they still maintain a safe distance. In reality what we perceive as a contact only the Coulomb force. A little 'as when trying to reconcile the similar poles of two magnets, one gets the impression that you are in the midst of a ball.
Once it is clear this concept, should also be clear why you can not pass through a wall even atoms are made mostly of empty space: the electron clouds of each atom prevent any contact, let alone the interpenetration.
La maggior parte degli atomi che ci circonda è composta di vuoto. Protoni, neutroni ed elettroni occupano in totale all'incirca un millesimo di miliardesimo del volume dell'atomo. Quindi, with all this space (as much as 99.9999999999%), the interpenetration between the two bodies should be such a thing possible, even if our everyday experience tells us otherwise. But, for once, the experience is right. Here's why.
I need a volunteer. Hey you! Yes, I speak just to you! You seem smart enough, then you will go very well for my little experiment today. Let's start.
First, a hand caressed each other. Yes, you read right. Up, caressed. Well, now scratched. Yes, always help, but go easy: without drawing blood. Excellent! And now, clap your hands. Again. Stronger. End of the first part of the experiment.
Now you have to answer a simple question: when you touched, or better, when you think there was contact between the two hands?
The correct answer is: ever!
Yes, you read that right. Your hands have never touched in the sense that their atoms have never come in contact. No matter what they tell you to your senses. The reality is this: you never touched anyone!
not you trust? Here's the answer: just atoms you can not touch each other (if not inside the particle accelerators) because their outer layer is composed of electrons (more precisely one should speak of electron cloud surrounding the atom). And for the Coulomb force, two electrons will tend to move away, and even if forced, they still maintain a safe distance. In reality what we perceive as a contact only the Coulomb force. A little 'as when trying to reconcile the similar poles of two magnets, one gets the impression that you are in the midst of a ball.
Once it is clear this concept, should also be clear why you can not pass through a wall even atoms are made mostly of empty space: the electron clouds of each atom prevent any contact, let alone the interpenetration.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Hdmi Receiver How Works
that you used or methods used to vomit? and how long do we put x?? I always had this curiosity ... I am waiting anxiously your comments ... x Please comment:) kisses girls
: *
that you used or methods used to vomit? and how long do we put x?? I always had this curiosity ... I am waiting anxiously your comments ... x Please comment:) kisses girls
: *
Friday, November 13, 2009
Throw Pillows By The Bulk
Questura :S
Well are 23:04 and I'm falling asleep anche se ho dormito tutto il pomeriggio ( ho dormito solo 2 ore ieri dalle 4:00 fino alle 6:00 del mattino xD ) mi sono svegliata alle 21:30.. madòòòò ke sonno... beh oggi solo pranzo: Manzo al rosmarino + verdure bollite + pera :) in tutto il giorno... OGGI E' IL PRIMO GIORNO UFFICIALE DELLA DIETA :D devo tornare come prima.... e ce la far... mia madre mi iscriverà in palestra :D ke bello *-* nn vedo l'ora... così dimagrirò :D prima di natale devo ritornare come prima siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... si lo so, nn sembro normale xD e il sonno nn è colpa mia.... vi saluto ragazze un bacione a tutte :*
Well are 23:04 and I'm falling asleep anche se ho dormito tutto il pomeriggio ( ho dormito solo 2 ore ieri dalle 4:00 fino alle 6:00 del mattino xD ) mi sono svegliata alle 21:30.. madòòòò ke sonno... beh oggi solo pranzo: Manzo al rosmarino + verdure bollite + pera :) in tutto il giorno... OGGI E' IL PRIMO GIORNO UFFICIALE DELLA DIETA :D devo tornare come prima.... e ce la far... mia madre mi iscriverà in palestra :D ke bello *-* nn vedo l'ora... così dimagrirò :D prima di natale devo ritornare come prima siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.... si lo so, nn sembro normale xD e il sonno nn è colpa mia.... vi saluto ragazze un bacione a tutte :*
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What Kind Of Hair Does Meagan Good Have
Si sono Grassa cazzo ieri mi sono abbuffate in totale avrò assumed 3000 calories for dinner only cock in total calories in 3500 have been nasty all day ...... Ugh I just have to touch food ... nn I was only allowed to eat fruits and vegetables .. and make only one meal a day .... Ke I swear I will come back as before! I have to do .... ia ke mother says I enroll in the gym looking *-* *-* ke siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!! + Gym I should lose weight =).... I love my cupids <3 a dopo spero di scrivervi presto ;) bacioni
Si sono Grassa cazzo ieri mi sono abbuffate in totale avrò assumed 3000 calories for dinner only cock in total calories in 3500 have been nasty all day ...... Ugh I just have to touch food ... nn I was only allowed to eat fruits and vegetables .. and make only one meal a day .... Ke I swear I will come back as before! I have to do .... ia ke mother says I enroll in the gym looking *-* *-* ke siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!! + Gym I should lose weight =).... I love my cupids <3 a dopo spero di scrivervi presto ;) bacioni
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Pin Needles Early Symptoms Of Hiv?
Concerns Obama
The first doubt I had about a mese fa, quando il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha deciso di non incontrare il Dalai Lama in visita a Washington. L'ultimo risale a due giorni fa, quando l'uomo più potente del mondo non ha presenziato al ventennale della caduta del muro di Berlino.
Ma il dubbio più grosso è che Obama voglia farsi promotore delle istanze censorie e illiberali delle major discografiche. L'occasione è un trattato internazionale che sta prendendo forma a Seoul denominato ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement). Di questo trattato, coperto da segreto per via di non meglio precisati motivi di sicurezza nazionale, sono trapelate alcune parti che fanno temere il peggio. Ne parlano BoingBoing.net (in inglese) e SysAdmin.it (In Italian). From what we understand, it seems the draft of the first version of ' HADOPI French wanted by Sarkozy.
I wonder how long will it take to realize that the record companies who download illegally from the Internet in the end is also what makes their fruit more .
The first doubt I had about a mese fa, quando il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha deciso di non incontrare il Dalai Lama in visita a Washington. L'ultimo risale a due giorni fa, quando l'uomo più potente del mondo non ha presenziato al ventennale della caduta del muro di Berlino.
Ma il dubbio più grosso è che Obama voglia farsi promotore delle istanze censorie e illiberali delle major discografiche. L'occasione è un trattato internazionale che sta prendendo forma a Seoul denominato ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement). Di questo trattato, coperto da segreto per via di non meglio precisati motivi di sicurezza nazionale, sono trapelate alcune parti che fanno temere il peggio. Ne parlano BoingBoing.net (in inglese) e SysAdmin.it (In Italian). From what we understand, it seems the draft of the first version of ' HADOPI French wanted by Sarkozy.
I wonder how long will it take to realize that the record companies who download illegally from the Internet in the end is also what makes their fruit more .
Monday, November 9, 2009
Gout More Condition_symptoms Herpes
Pensiero..... :S
Hello to all!! well I'm back :).... Well first stavo pensando a una cosa e ho deciso di scriverla xD... beh pensavo a che ANA non esiste, è solo una invenzione così come lo è anche MIA... Sono solo due MALATTIE voi direte beh se sono due malattie perché una vorrebbe ammalarsi? beh se voi mi chiedete se sono pro - ANA ?? Io vi rispondo di no.... Perché non seguo qualcosa che non esiste.... Come già sapete se avete letto alcuni miei post io sono stata "ANORESSICA" e voi direte beh se sie stata anoressica e se ne sie uscita ci sarà un motivo...e se mi chiedete se voglio tornare al incubo delle calorie, ai sensi di colpa x aver mangiato un grammo in più di verdura, a fare esercizi o attività fisica come una matta, a fare digiuni.... Io vi rispondo di SI!!! un si secco... I want it all because I can not live without her ... I want to return to touch the bones *-* I want to be thin and beautiful !!!!!
By now I started yesterday and after the baptism that I binge + ... I begin to lose weight and fast ... 250-calorie breakfast + or ... I know I exaggerated ... ç_ç
Breakfast: 2 cups of green tea with milk (up to 100ml) + 3 + 1 pear biscuits
ah I walked 50 minutes I hope to have burned something ... I hope I can not eat anything until the + evening .... Will update after a kiss to all: *
Hello to all!! well I'm back :).... Well first stavo pensando a una cosa e ho deciso di scriverla xD... beh pensavo a che ANA non esiste, è solo una invenzione così come lo è anche MIA... Sono solo due MALATTIE voi direte beh se sono due malattie perché una vorrebbe ammalarsi? beh se voi mi chiedete se sono pro - ANA ?? Io vi rispondo di no.... Perché non seguo qualcosa che non esiste.... Come già sapete se avete letto alcuni miei post io sono stata "ANORESSICA" e voi direte beh se sie stata anoressica e se ne sie uscita ci sarà un motivo...e se mi chiedete se voglio tornare al incubo delle calorie, ai sensi di colpa x aver mangiato un grammo in più di verdura, a fare esercizi o attività fisica come una matta, a fare digiuni.... Io vi rispondo di SI!!! un si secco... I want it all because I can not live without her ... I want to return to touch the bones *-* I want to be thin and beautiful !!!!!
By now I started yesterday and after the baptism that I binge + ... I begin to lose weight and fast ... 250-calorie breakfast + or ... I know I exaggerated ... ç_ç
Breakfast: 2 cups of green tea with milk (up to 100ml) + 3 + 1 pear biscuits
ah I walked 50 minutes I hope to have burned something ... I hope I can not eat anything until the + evening .... Will update after a kiss to all: *
Friday, November 6, 2009
4.8 Cm Complex Ovarian Cyst
Eccomi di nuovo fra di voi....
not is I will be happy to be back among you ... but rather boh ... well I fell in bulimia ç_ç again ..... I just ate cookies + 10 ... What should I do throw up?? No, but I think I can do it .. nowadays it is always difficult to reverse + .... I put myself to school to study ... ke so well in school if I go I'll go well with ana and I want to fit in all 2: (..... JUST PUT ME TO STUDY AND FOLLOW ANA VBB girls !!!!! I greet you with a bacioneeeeeeee: *
not is I will be happy to be back among you ... but rather boh ... well I fell in bulimia ç_ç again ..... I just ate cookies + 10 ... What should I do throw up?? No, but I think I can do it .. nowadays it is always difficult to reverse + .... I put myself to school to study ... ke so well in school if I go I'll go well with ana and I want to fit in all 2: (..... JUST PUT ME TO STUDY AND FOLLOW ANA VBB girls !!!!! I greet you with a bacioneeeeeeee: *
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Vtv Software Surveillance
From Internet And on localnet
From November 16 Internet will never be the same . In fact, you will not only .
in two weeks because the addresses of web sites will no longer be written with Latin characters only but can be expressed in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, etc..
What at first glance it seems a good way of bringing to the network even those who do not know English, could shatter instead of creating the only man who has the opportunity to be truly global.
Cade so the final factor that could push the citizens of some authoritarian regimes (Iran, China, Russia ...) to learn to read Latin characters and give them the opportunity to learn outside of their national language.
From November 16 Internet will never be the same . In fact, you will not only .
in two weeks because the addresses of web sites will no longer be written with Latin characters only but can be expressed in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, etc..
What at first glance it seems a good way of bringing to the network even those who do not know English, could shatter instead of creating the only man who has the opportunity to be truly global.
Cade so the final factor that could push the citizens of some authoritarian regimes (Iran, China, Russia ...) to learn to read Latin characters and give them the opportunity to learn outside of their national language.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Free Templates For Card Buggy
Brachino apologizes Mesiano
Yeah, in this article published by Il Giornale.
Interesting article.
Sometimes even funny.
Too bad for the annoying background noise. As
nails screeching on a mirror. But there
da preoccuparsi.
Si tratta solo di un effetto collaterale della Sindrome .
Yeah, in this article published by Il Giornale.
Interesting article.
Sometimes even funny.
Too bad for the annoying background noise. As
nails screeching on a mirror. But there
da preoccuparsi.
Si tratta solo di un effetto collaterale della Sindrome .
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Infections Brazilian Wax
The Angelucci against Wikimedia
Venti milioni di euro di risarcimento. Roba da far vergognare Berlusconi che tra Repubblica e Unità ne ha chiesti solo tre.
Gli avidi querelanti sono Antonio e Giampaolo Angelucci (padre e figlio) tra l'altro editori dei quotidiani Libero e Il Riformista (qualche altra informazione sui loro molteplici interessi la trovate qui alla voce Tosinvest).
Il querelato è WikiMedia Italia, ovvero l'associazione no-profit che si occupa della promozione di Wikipedia in Italia.
L'accusa è quella di diffamazione, relativa a contenuti presenti nella pagina dedicated to Antonio Angelucci (MP PDL) hosted on Wikipedia (which WikiMedia site does not own and which does not have any control ).
already from this we can see how the lawsuit is totally unfounded. In fact, as explained on the Wikimedia Italy, the only responsible for what is written is the author himself, already in March the Supreme was expressed in favor of the direct responsibility of the writer and not of the site operator in a similar case. But it was, the owner of the site is Wikimedia Foundation, U.S. non-profit foundation, then an Italian court would not have the jurisdiction to proceed.
So what? Will it all end in nothing?
I hope so. So I hope that the two plaintiffs are found to pay, in addition to costs gifts, even the losses, so that be a lesson to anyone who is convinced that one can apply outdated laws to the Internet world.
Read more (and possibly help): http://www.fcvg.it/?p=360
Venti milioni di euro di risarcimento. Roba da far vergognare Berlusconi che tra Repubblica e Unità ne ha chiesti solo tre.
Gli avidi querelanti sono Antonio e Giampaolo Angelucci (padre e figlio) tra l'altro editori dei quotidiani Libero e Il Riformista (qualche altra informazione sui loro molteplici interessi la trovate qui alla voce Tosinvest).
Il querelato è WikiMedia Italia, ovvero l'associazione no-profit che si occupa della promozione di Wikipedia in Italia.
L'accusa è quella di diffamazione, relativa a contenuti presenti nella pagina dedicated to Antonio Angelucci (MP PDL) hosted on Wikipedia (which WikiMedia site does not own and which does not have any control ).
already from this we can see how the lawsuit is totally unfounded. In fact, as explained on the Wikimedia Italy, the only responsible for what is written is the author himself, already in March the Supreme was expressed in favor of the direct responsibility of the writer and not of the site operator in a similar case. But it was, the owner of the site is Wikimedia Foundation, U.S. non-profit foundation, then an Italian court would not have the jurisdiction to proceed.
So what? Will it all end in nothing?
I hope so. So I hope that the two plaintiffs are found to pay, in addition to costs gifts, even the losses, so that be a lesson to anyone who is convinced that one can apply outdated laws to the Internet world.
Read more (and possibly help): http://www.fcvg.it/?p=360
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Single Ladies In Aruba
Ciauuuu ke girls you wanted to say I opened my forum!! siiiiiiiiiiiiiiii with un'amika together we have opened a forum ... because I once had found on many blogs requests ke girls wanted a pro forum ana .... here's to you:) I hope I like
ke http://deathparadise80097.forumfree.net/
Ciauuuu ke girls you wanted to say I opened my forum!! siiiiiiiiiiiiiiii with un'amika together we have opened a forum ... because I once had found on many blogs requests ke girls wanted a pro forum ana .... here's to you:) I hope I like
ke http://deathparadise80097.forumfree.net/
Monday, September 21, 2009
How To Keep Pinky Rats Alive
I do not know how to title this post ...... but maybe I'll start by saying something ke'd love to hear anyone I'd like to go back to anorexia, I would like it so much, I would like to return to the thinness of the first .... But I know that I do not have + willpower, the force that led me to do long fasts without feeling hungry ... that made me lose weight quickly .... what he ate when he felt very well .... UFFA WANT BACK IN TIME !!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO BE THIN!
I do not know how to title this post ...... but maybe I'll start by saying something ke'd love to hear anyone I'd like to go back to anorexia, I would like it so much, I would like to return to the thinness of the first .... But I know that I do not have + willpower, the force that led me to do long fasts without feeling hungry ... that made me lose weight quickly .... what he ate when he felt very well .... UFFA WANT BACK IN TIME !!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO BE THIN!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Black Cruising Spots New York
sOnO SeNzA pArOlE
It !!!!!! I'm speechless .... I ask you a question .... Why men are so Tronzo?? so stupid?? and so bastards ????.... I am always asked me ... No, but I never got a response .... I have decided not boyfriend ... just ... all are bastards !!!!! at least not for this year and next year .... No and I do not want to betroth ... uu ....
From tomorrow I decided to do so .. where are my wits eat no!! eat only when they are here .... and as there are days when I see them all day nn ... then will I eat nn NNT: D go to great: D this time no one can stop me ... volglio not stop .... See how much exercise I did today: 200 abdominal exercises + weight + different + 1 ½ hours of walking .... little: '(I know, I'm lazy to do the 2 hours of exercise bikes, as yesterday (VBB buuu. .. grrrr ..... I should die tomorrow remedy *-* I'd love to die .... I will VBB 2 hours or maybe tomorrow xD ..... VBB 3 girls I salute you ... I go to bed:)
It !!!!!! I'm speechless .... I ask you a question .... Why men are so Tronzo?? so stupid?? and so bastards ????.... I am always asked me ... No, but I never got a response .... I have decided not boyfriend ... just ... all are bastards !!!!! at least not for this year and next year .... No and I do not want to betroth ... uu ....
From tomorrow I decided to do so .. where are my wits eat no!! eat only when they are here .... and as there are days when I see them all day nn ... then will I eat nn NNT: D go to great: D this time no one can stop me ... volglio not stop .... See how much exercise I did today: 200 abdominal exercises + weight + different + 1 ½ hours of walking .... little: '(I know, I'm lazy to do the 2 hours of exercise bikes, as yesterday (VBB buuu. .. grrrr ..... I should die tomorrow remedy *-* I'd love to die .... I will VBB 2 hours or maybe tomorrow xD ..... VBB 3 girls I salute you ... I go to bed:)
Monday, September 14, 2009
How To Make An Rc Snow Plow
,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸-(_ tгเรtєzzค + ๔єקгєรรเ๏ภє _)-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸
are the 06:35 and I'm here to write ... why?? nn I know .... the only thing I know is I feel empty inside ke as always ... maybe it's the song, it makes me remember so many things I would like to forget forever ke, ke I would like to erase from my mind .... maybe one day I will succeed as I have always done, I always deleted the ugly and beautiful memories ... Which is something I do AutoMet my mind ... and maybe it's better that way ..... my relationship with food?? I suck ..... Only yesterday I binge .... yes I did and I regret having done nn, nn xkè if I did I would put on weight and I can not afford to gain weight .... nooooooooooo !!!!! cmq today I'm fasting at least until dinner time, if not touched food I'm fine .. I plan and I feel good!! I'd love to go back in time ... I wish I nn I had never ever stop ...... I would like to see up to the point I would be ..... ke VBB are 06:41 I dress .... I do not know what to wear .... VBB will think later ... I salute you girls ... No and sorry if I wrote in these days ... for now on I will, I will write my food diaries, I'll start with the account of calories ........ I salute you, otherwise I am late .... XD ..... and leave you a video of the song this effect makes me ....
are the 06:35 and I'm here to write ... why?? nn I know .... the only thing I know is I feel empty inside ke as always ... maybe it's the song, it makes me remember so many things I would like to forget forever ke, ke I would like to erase from my mind .... maybe one day I will succeed as I have always done, I always deleted the ugly and beautiful memories ... Which is something I do AutoMet my mind ... and maybe it's better that way ..... my relationship with food?? I suck ..... Only yesterday I binge .... yes I did and I regret having done nn, nn xkè if I did I would put on weight and I can not afford to gain weight .... nooooooooooo !!!!! cmq today I'm fasting at least until dinner time, if not touched food I'm fine .. I plan and I feel good!! I'd love to go back in time ... I wish I nn I had never ever stop ...... I would like to see up to the point I would be ..... ke VBB are 06:41 I dress .... I do not know what to wear .... VBB will think later ... I salute you girls ... No and sorry if I wrote in these days ... for now on I will, I will write my food diaries, I'll start with the account of calories ........ I salute you, otherwise I am late .... XD ..... and leave you a video of the song this effect makes me ....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Gift For A Stroke Patient
Non ho niente da dire....
I have nothing to say .... Well you do one thing: food and love to fuck ..... Girl I'm ashamed to say ...... this week I threw up, and I also found a certain pleasure in it, I had spoiled, I feel free .... I just threw up ... I Okki's red, his face a bit swollen, and my voice ...... nn I made a promise .... I must return to the thinness of the first .. I liked the 38 pounds .... then we return!! girls .... I already planned my day tomorrow: 06:00
I wake up and do one hour of exercise bikes, and after the exercises I did before .... ke
then breakfast Only because I have to do x strength is my mother .... I'll try to stay on 100 calories ....
after I will dress and go out to walk, I will go up in the cathedral, walking and do the return ... then will be 4 hours of walking .... Nn
get home I go to lunch and to volunteer ..... after you get home ... nn and NNT will I eat .. : D I have to do .... this is a promise ... and I'll ... I made this promise .... I have an idea in my head I realize ke, vendeta to someone XD ahahahahh
I have nothing to say .... Well you do one thing: food and love to fuck ..... Girl I'm ashamed to say ...... this week I threw up, and I also found a certain pleasure in it, I had spoiled, I feel free .... I just threw up ... I Okki's red, his face a bit swollen, and my voice ...... nn I made a promise .... I must return to the thinness of the first .. I liked the 38 pounds .... then we return!! girls .... I already planned my day tomorrow: 06:00
I wake up and do one hour of exercise bikes, and after the exercises I did before .... ke
then breakfast Only because I have to do x strength is my mother .... I'll try to stay on 100 calories ....
after I will dress and go out to walk, I will go up in the cathedral, walking and do the return ... then will be 4 hours of walking .... Nn
get home I go to lunch and to volunteer ..... after you get home ... nn and NNT will I eat .. : D I have to do .... this is a promise ... and I'll ... I made this promise .... I have an idea in my head I realize ke, vendeta to someone XD ahahahahh
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Pick Up Bars In New Brunswick Nj
It's me again ^ ^
Hello my darlings!! how are you? okay? I must say I did not k + panic attacks from the last time I saw my psychologist, I think ke has helped me so much so much ... But now for "x" psychologist reasons I have to change, not sure but they told me something about ... perhaps the change ... I do not want kids, now I'm starting to open myself to you .... now I'm starting to see me differently now that I can open myself with someone I know personally ke ... nn I want to change it .... nn I want to do ... But if I do, what to do? I have to go to the psychiatrist this Monday .... What I will say about it? I hope nn psychological change ..
you know I'd like to meet a boy pro ana ... I'd like to know how to take the kids anorexia ... No they have the problem of amenorrhea .. nn and hair loss is so severe for them
girls help me what can I do for hair loss?
raga Bach I love you all and all;)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Bluespoon Ax2 Bluetooth Headset
׺°"~`"°º× ק єг ร є3 ק гє ค ภ ค ׺°"~`"°º×
I am this ... and I can not change me, anorexia is a part of me, such as bulimia and binge ... are now parts of my essence can hunt with my life? why are parts of me ... I can not say goodbye, because I have them .... maybe we could learn to live with them .. but I will never say goodbye ... because the person I am now, I owe it to them .. I do not deny being a beautiful and nice person .. because they are not ... but with these diseases have changed ... so ... and I will never be the girl I was before ke, I can not not Worrying the line, the calories do count ... ke I know my worst mistakes were anorexia and bulimia, if only I had never vomited again and had a good diet, I would not have to ke are now. a nasty bulimic, although I realize ke anorexia was a mistake I would do it again .. you do it again, now I think ke are out of anorexia, I would come back, I miss, I will be crazy .. but it's true I miss ...... What have I done now? I just binge .. What should I do? I throw up? maybe I do maybe not ... depends if I can ..... I want to say goodbye to these binges .. + I would not eat, I would never be born ... xke live? x suffer? ki amount to? no one, perhaps my parents, them I have always been close ... but No matter, I hate, I hate, I will not + live, I die, I want to sleep and not wake up + ... I would not suffer +....
I am this ... and I can not change me, anorexia is a part of me, such as bulimia and binge ... are now parts of my essence can hunt with my life? why are parts of me ... I can not say goodbye, because I have them .... maybe we could learn to live with them .. but I will never say goodbye ... because the person I am now, I owe it to them .. I do not deny being a beautiful and nice person .. because they are not ... but with these diseases have changed ... so ... and I will never be the girl I was before ke, I can not not Worrying the line, the calories do count ... ke I know my worst mistakes were anorexia and bulimia, if only I had never vomited again and had a good diet, I would not have to ke are now. a nasty bulimic, although I realize ke anorexia was a mistake I would do it again .. you do it again, now I think ke are out of anorexia, I would come back, I miss, I will be crazy .. but it's true I miss ...... What have I done now? I just binge .. What should I do? I throw up? maybe I do maybe not ... depends if I can ..... I want to say goodbye to these binges .. + I would not eat, I would never be born ... xke live? x suffer? ki amount to? no one, perhaps my parents, them I have always been close ... but No matter, I hate, I hate, I will not + live, I die, I want to sleep and not wake up + ... I would not suffer +....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
How Long Does Trimethoprim Stay In Body
Play Pokemon Red Online Mac
what to do ??????????
Hello girls! Help me not I know what to do, I'd love to come back with ana ... I miss .... But I do not want to suffer again as I remember I was ke 24 hours to think about food, I went out with my friends No, I was not happy, I was crying all day, I was always tired ... lost weight but I felt good when I was skinny, and I want to go back to being thin ...
Girls do not know what happened to me yesterday ... I was going by bicycle, and went crashing into the wall ... but you know I could slow down, use the brakes and I did not, do you think I unconsciously wanted to hurt me? I hate so much? ke things I left were: swollen right knee in a purple, purple and swollen left hip, a finger without a nail ... and I have to stay in absolute rest !!!!!!!!!!! aiutooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not exercise ... girls what to do? xke ?????????????????????????????????? xke ?????? is a kind of punishment for having decided to leave ana? girls are in crisis please answer me !!!!!!
baciiiiiiiiii I love you

Hello girls! Help me not I know what to do, I'd love to come back with ana ... I miss .... But I do not want to suffer again as I remember I was ke 24 hours to think about food, I went out with my friends No, I was not happy, I was crying all day, I was always tired ... lost weight but I felt good when I was skinny, and I want to go back to being thin ...
Girls do not know what happened to me yesterday ... I was going by bicycle, and went crashing into the wall ... but you know I could slow down, use the brakes and I did not, do you think I unconsciously wanted to hurt me? I hate so much? ke things I left were: swollen right knee in a purple, purple and swollen left hip, a finger without a nail ... and I have to stay in absolute rest !!!!!!!!!!! aiutooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not exercise ... girls what to do? xke ?????????????????????????????????? xke ?????? is a kind of punishment for having decided to leave ana? girls are in crisis please answer me !!!!!!
baciiiiiiiiii I love you
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Third Birthday Invitation Poems
Girls !!!!!! * _ *
Hello girls!! I am very happy ...... * _ * I describe my food diary: Breakfast
snack: air
room air
snack: air
dinner: there are unfortunately I will have to eat my dinner .... : '(I feel like dying .... after you update ... but safe meat and vegetables:) cmq
now despite it's amazing how I cursed my 48 pounds I see a bit thin, gauze ke today I did not eat now as I write I get a feeling of hunger .. : @ Ugh ... I do not know if they are normal but cmq I feel good when I feel hungry, so xke ke all the calories were Brucciano now I'm losing weight and ke ... :)... I was going to eat the fruit first but then I thought about it and I said, once in the mouth, once on the sides and I resist: D and then it was not real hunger but emotional eating ....
girls are a bit worried about tomorrow by the psychologist should I tell her everything?
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
girls are back in seventh heaven ... NNT today ... only water I could skip dinner as well: D you do not know how happy :).... Tomorrow I hope to see at least a pound less on the scale;)
hello kisses
Hello girls!! I am very happy ...... * _ * I describe my food diary: Breakfast
snack: air
room air
snack: air
dinner: there are unfortunately I will have to eat my dinner .... : '(I feel like dying .... after you update ... but safe meat and vegetables:) cmq
now despite it's amazing how I cursed my 48 pounds I see a bit thin, gauze ke today I did not eat now as I write I get a feeling of hunger .. : @ Ugh ... I do not know if they are normal but cmq I feel good when I feel hungry, so xke ke all the calories were Brucciano now I'm losing weight and ke ... :)... I was going to eat the fruit first but then I thought about it and I said, once in the mouth, once on the sides and I resist: D and then it was not real hunger but emotional eating ....
girls are a bit worried about tomorrow by the psychologist should I tell her everything?
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
girls are back in seventh heaven ... NNT today ... only water I could skip dinner as well: D you do not know how happy :).... Tomorrow I hope to see at least a pound less on the scale;)
hello kisses
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