Io personalmente non credo che lo scopo del Presidente della Camera sia quello di diventare Presidente della Repubblica, per lo meno non nell'immediato. Adesso Fini ha voglia di governare. Ha dimostrato di essere "uomo delle istituzioni" e questa esperienza sul curriculum gli potrà tornare utile semmai fra qualche anno.
Adesso l'obbiettivo di Fini è quello di incarnare una destra moderna sullo stile di Sarkozy in Francia e, prima him, Aznar in Spain. In this sense, I think the statements should be read by an adult Catholic in recent days. Especially, in the eyes of Italians, Fini aims to become a politician without shame eligible for voting for all the undecided and disappointed that the center but do not feel represented by Catholicism Casini. It is now years dell'impresentabilità post-fascist, now the time is ripe for the final separation from Berlusconi, himself become, in the meantime, unpresentable the eyes of many.
short Fini aims to be a right that is not ashamed to be called right but definitely abandoned any reference to fascism. A right which may face the left. A right that even the most forcaioli parties are struggling to demonize. A responsible and mature right that may be part of a Grand Coalition without shocking anyone.
short, the right wing Republican who is always missed Italy.
The photo is taken from capitaledigitale on Flickr and is subject to CC.
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