How many times
nn we repeated this phrase: "Tomorrow is 'ANOTHER DAY'? I many times. When something goes wrong with me No I keep telling myself: "Tomorrow is another day" .. But that day has already begun to AFR part of our life has consequences and we can delete paragraphs, it would be too easy. Maybe we binged and think oh well it went today, tomorrow we start again and maybe that day we let go, but check nn nn we realize that all those calories are already within us, that tomorrow will increase the pounds of guilt x nn keep us in line and follow the diet the path becomes more difficult, more difficult, etc. .. The only thing we can do is to try nn binge again, and maybe we ate 100 calories + compared to what we wanted to do anything, a nice walk and we fixed everything, we must not fall into my "NO"! Because we think so, at least I thought so, oh I throw up and then 100 calories but I ate nn nn so I could throw up, and I began to binge and vomit No, but I was stupid .. I do think for myself .. but enough is enough, yesterday I binge I eat a plate of rice and put it back .. it seemed too ... and my stomach has not been hard to even call, I think it was he who put me more ... The body does not want food, but I still feel bad eating =(....
Anyway I wanted to ringraziare a tutte le ragazze che vengono, leggono i mi scrivono dei commenti... Grazie piccola, non sapete quanto sono felice a leggere che vi interessate a te :*
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