Eh già.. sono l'una e diciotto ed io sono ancora sveglia.. Oggi mentre parlavo con uno che ho conosciuto tramite facebook... è la prima volta che parliamo e lui già sa quasi tutto di me diciamo che mi ha "psicalanizzato" e mi ha detto questo:"non è vero che hai un problema e perciò sei anoressica sono gli altri che hanno un problema nella relazione con te"
e poi mi ha detto anche:"ci sono problemi che avvengono dalla nascita che sono dovuti
penso alla prenatalità ma nel tuo caso nn credo che sia questo"
eh nn is the reason it has my case, the psychologist says that the problem was with my relationship, that relationship that's never been nn .. VBB cmq continuous
"conception of disease that is not to recognize that it is not you that that is what the problem is not you is the relationship you will form through the report but you can change it and make you anceh + sound even Rogers says that the solution is close enough to problem vederlail therapist for rogers should simply show the patient the same solution because the solution to the problems is in the patient = D
ok basically the solution that the problems "
And finally added this: "The disease called anorexia is just a series of factors that have given right?
here from now on you do not consider it as a disease but as a bit 'of facts that drive it a bit' of problems have you or others have with the relationship with others or with yourself that is, with relations in you're in the game then you
them individuals, and signs somewhere remember to note it is very important because very often we forget them "
what do you think? to me I made us think ... and then just I know him and already know this about me>. <
a little kiss off xk I'm afraid that my if I wake up and sgridino xD ... I love you and am with you: *
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