Pratici di viaggi intergalattici e alieni al jumbo jet lag, gli Autori della super soap hanno snobbato come sempre la luce bianca in fondo al tunnel spaziale, e sono piombati negli studios Los Angelini con la soluzione alla questione che ogni soapdipendente s’è posto: “chi diavolo è il padre di Marcus? "(See reason 206 - Yellow Ribbon)," which is the irrepressible - and only black - Lieutenant Baker?
responses to cold case of B & B is located in the Freedom of different size, where very few minds are free to access (with powerful and expensive hallucinogenic drugs) and leave at will (but only after the effects of psychotropic acids ingested and / or lapped).
Parked De L'Oreal Paris in the garage, the writers of Space Beautiful were fed to us the solution to yet another case (not more) of the unresolved soap: the father of Marcus Walton and Justin Barber. How would "... and who the hell is?
Right arm of Bill Jr. by a certain number of years (the winds of Marcus), the new entry is the President of the New York Spencer Publications. An enemy of Forrester, then. And a new antagonist of Eric, with his usual impeccable timing, has decided to adopt the son of a woman now that he spat out the DDL The Real Father Justino.
Yes, Justino. So?
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