Fini: past, present and future (?)
Every time in recent months, Fini took a position on ethical issues - positions proprio consone ai diktat del Vaticano - mi tornava in mente un episodio di una dozzina di anni fa: gruppi di giovani di AN che distribuivano preservativi all'uscita della scuole. Poi Berlusconi ha cominciato a corteggiare le gerarchie cattoliche e Fini ha pensato bene, probabilmente per convenienza, di abbandonare la veste del laico (così come aveva abbandonato la camicia nera) per accodarsi alla compagine neo-integralista.
Alla fine degli anni '90, Fini, continuando lentamente a cambiare, era persino riuscito ad accreditarsi come l'erede designato di Berlusconi. Ma Gianfranco è impaziente, Silvio non vuole saperne di farsi da parte e in più c'è Giulio (Tremonti) che scalpita per ottenere la sua parte di lights and microphones. The latter is an advantage: its boasts the mending between the League and Forza Italy that led to victory in the 2001 elections. Purposes but has yet to shake off the label of fascism: we can pretty well with quite a diplomatic tour in Israel, a few snapshots with the kippah and some critical statement about fascism (taken from news to art products).
At this point, Fini decides to measure his strength thanks to the fact that Foreign Minister calls for giving more power to CIPE according antitremontiana. Then, not content, in mid-2004 specifically calls for the head of the Ministry of Economy. Berlusconi dismisses Tremonti and replaces it with Siniscalco, taking on some protest from the League, distracted by the health condition of Bossi still under observation due to the stroke that hit him a few months ago. Match won by Fini? Not really. Just need to baste in a hurry financial election (we're at the end of 2005), Fini and Berlusconi Tremonti recalls no choice but to swallow the bitter pill.
few months after you return to the polls with AN and Forza Italy who find themselves in opposition. Perhaps Fini think that after the second defeat against Prodi, Berlusconi to withdraw from public life, but did not reckon with the ambition of King Silvio who wants absolutely return to Palazzo Chigi, and it is invented a brand new party: the PDL. The invitation / order to join is one that you can not ignore. Purposes beginning the contrary is proved, but soon realizes that it can also bring up some big advantages. In fact happen in the meantime three crucial episodes: the Colonels AN begin to puff against the head, Fini Berlusconi says it will appoint as his successor if one adheres to the party and finally the Prodi government falls.
After the new and overwhelming election victory in 2008, finally seems to Fini's all right: even the election as Speaker of the House, the third position in the State, which allows him to practice as a human institution. But Berlusconi, the attitudes of those who consider super-partes suo vassallo non piacciono affatto. E d'altra parte Fini non ci sta a fare la figura del servo. Inoltre si rende conto che la politica del Governo è fortemente condizionata da Tremonti e dalla Lega. Senza l'alleanza con il partito di Bossi, il PdL non è autosufficiente e questo diventa palese con il cambio di direzione di Berlusconi pochi giorni prima del referendum che, se approvato, avrebbe portato all'autosufficienza il PdL in Parlamento e alla conseguente marginalizzazione della Lega.
Da questo punto in poi, comincia il lento distaccamento di Fini dal PdL, agevolato anche dagli attacchi di Feltri dalle colonne del Giornale, organo di stampa della famiglia Berlusconi. Distaccamento fatto di tante piccole dichiarazioni perfettamente in linea (o almost) with its institutional role but utterly unpalatable to King Silvio, especially those relating to the law. An end to cohabitation between the two founders of the PDL under the same party arrived a few days ago with the creation of a new party: Future and Freedom.
But now the road is all uphill for Fini. In all probability the bulk of the "base" which was the National Alliance will continue to vote PDL, at least as long as Mr Berlusconi will not give up the party (and this flake as a novel DC-post-Tangentopoli). But Fini and his small group of gentlemen, able to withstand so much? And even if we succeed, how will they shake off the mark traitors?
possible that Fini never thought of that before? A politician with as he may have trouble to get overwhelmed by Berlusconi and his policies? I've tried really cost a jump of quail? Fini Or maybe he knows something that we do not?
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