Thursday, April 8, 2010

Flexible Floor Leveller


to change the constitution has always been a ball in the league. Who will remember the past thirty years Professor Mile , constitutional lawyer and senator who over the years 90 appeared in video on the arm, a copy of the new federal constitution that was writing.

The former ideologue of the League died in 2001, but Bossi's party has not given up the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving the country a new constitution. The choice of the new "founding father" fell on the Minister for Regulatory Simplification, Roberto Calderoli .

Yes, what a month ago has eliminated 375,000 regulations (insisting, however, to call them "laws") organizing a surreal theater in a firehouse .

Yes, what by mistake a year ago has wiped the abolition of the death penalty .

Sì, quello che si è più volte offerto di portare a spasso il suo maiale sui terreni destinati alla costruzione di moschee.

Sì, proprio lui, l'autore dell'attuale legge elettorale, denominata Porcellum dopo che lui stesso l'aveva definita "una porcata".

Con queste premesse, che razza di costituzione starà scrivendo?


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