Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Convert Rowboat To Sailboat


A cold shiver ran down my spine I: an event, given the high pressure Africa that is slowly evaporating. I finally figured out what is the secret of our beloved and venerable soap opera! Incest, treason, sabotage, costumes, weddings, resurrections, twins, stepfathers, stepmothers, godchildren, adoptions, fashion and plastic surgery are not enough: the key lies in leaders who, needless to repeat it, shake demonic in mammoth body of former Stephanie Douglas Forrester and current President of the matron Jackie M Designs. And how he is our benchmark? How do I keep under control? What is the recipe that has made it an irreplaceable and that makes us fear for his health? Twenty years later, today, in only five beats his tactics seemed obvious, and disturbing book.

" What I am absolutely sure is that I am a force in this area, and nothing will change that. Absolutely nothing. "

" The truth is that I need to watch a bunch of screenings to find out what is best for the company. I follow my instinct, as I always do. If someone does not agree: that is the door. "

"The Forrester there would be if it were not for me, with my own money was made the company, I have courted the press and buyers, I managed all the financial part is the hardest part of the job. It is stressful, but had to be done, as here, the Jackie M, because it would be appreciated. But I have come to appreciate all the work? For all those hours I spend more and the company's success? "

" I devote myself body and soul to this company and in return get the cover of Eye of Fashion? No, only a party with champagne stale ... "

" Before I got here, you were in trouble, you were being chased by creditors, but I knew exactly what to do to save this company, I did it! It was very hard, but I did and as you know, I am the author of this success! I flipped this company and I ... I am Jackie M! "

Paranoia, arrogance and conceit: it takes so little to get idolize? Yes, according to Stephanie, however, suffers from a series of mini strokes that make straparlare ...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Where To Edit D2nt Pickit

"The four stages dell'antieroe"

an operating room. interlocutor as Wonder Woman. Few memories confused. Many fears are ill-concealed. And, above all, a body rejected for a lifetime.

With these and other elements opens "The Prima Donna" that marks the fiction debut of the talented screenwriter and novelist Giustina Porcelli. After the humorous tone of the two essays "101 Reasons not stop looking Beautiful" and "How to learn to say NO ... and live better," the author goes on to tackle a story on a broad social issue still little discussed and accepted: transsexuality.

The protagonist's life is presented in an unstructured, including, memories and anecdotes interspersed with a dreamlike setting that constantly brings the reader to the crucial moment, hallmark of the whole story : The long-awaited final step that will bring the boy to finally change sex.

the background of southern countries, defined only for appositions (the "City of Beautiful Women" in particular), over a period that started in the 80 and inexorably approaches to the contemporary, the four phases dell'antieroe Gabriele / Lele / Gabrielle / Gabry see the succession of vivid characters and real, that we meet soon to love or hate for their humanity. The already popular social difficulties of provincial life, amplified by the very stigma against homosexuality and disguise, is cleverly interwoven into the narrative with the elements (and less) and reassuring the local and national recognition of culture, making the story very close, realistic and - despite the precautions definitional - geographically located.

The path rises Gabriele "First Woman" to a real novel of formation, that could lead to the evisceration of prejudice, ethical dilemmas and emotional mechanisms that can invest all those - certainly not on a whim or as a challenge - they can not feel comfortable with the labels sexual, moral, or (simply and purely) body received at birth. A pleasant reading and intense, featuring a fresh style that manages to be both ironic and poignant as well as highly personal. Already looking forward the second novel.

Pictures Manolo Pine

Thursday, July 15, 2010

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"Giustina, first lady in the library (and TV)"

; Francesco Martucci for The Fact Bisceglie

First Woman With his debut novel, the Porcelli tackles the delicate subject of sex change, really run by a friend. A golden age for the writer Bisceglie, which Recently it was also host to Matrix.

Some claim that a good novel is recognized by the ability to abduct the reader, to involve up to do empathize with the protagonist, or at least to do side with him. In the case of La Prima Donna (Morellini Publisher) , Bisceglie's debut novel Giustina Porcelli, the company is not simple because the main character is both the protagonist. Yes, you read right: it is that he becomes a she, a man who becomes a woman through an operation of sex reassignment surgery. Brave choice, no doubt about it. Debut with a story centered on a matter so delicate, and, moreover, inspired by a friend who really lived the experience, not everyone. Especially in a country like Italy, where certain topics are not fertile ground for an open confrontation. The risk is to struggle with a cultural heritage (especially religious), which tends to consider less conventional taboo aspects of human sexuality, preferring to lie on a veil of indifference. Giustina accept this risk head high, making it almost a personal challenge. " My book - would point out - is not directed at gay and transsexual community, nor to political left, as some might think. However, it is open to everyone, including those who ignore, or prefer to ignore the pressing issues it addressed. I realize that some issues may scare many people, and the warm welcome I received from the novel is proof, but do not regret my choice. I am indeed proud to have told a story with strong colors. At least I avoided arguments banal, corny now that I think even more people away from reading. "If the intent was amazing, the author has succeeded very well. His literary creation, in fact, since strikes by its cover, dominated by a picture of a woman's body lying face down and with a fried egg placed on his back. Here's the explanation: "It is an image can lend itself to multiple interpretations. I chose it because the bull's eye egg is a symbol that recurs several times during the narrative. And then the term "bull's eye" is the flagship of the stage, in this case focused on the main character, who is a woman who likes to occupy center stage. Hence also the pun hidden in the title: first lady, all attached, is a term designating those who just love being in the spotlight .
the cover of Daring, bold what follows. Halfway between comedy and drama, The First Woman tells the complex psychological process of Gabriel, Lele, and Gabrielle Gabry, four souls contained within a single body. Only the body, in origin, it is the wrong one, is that of a man who does not feel this and that, through many changes, he ends up finding the body of a woman with self-fulfillment, feeling that the house of his master, not host. The story is set in several locations the South, including Bisceglie, but Justine never names (like the other), revealing the identity only by the pseudonym "City of Fools" and the frequent use of our dialect. The same dialect that acts almost as a soundtrack of the novel, helping to shape an original style, too, by constant bouncing between past and present, reality and dream, dream without forgetting the dialogues between the protagonist and some people came to see from the world of fantasy. In short, an exciting book. For the reader, of course, but also for those who wrote it, that will confirm " Yes, this book has touched me and I is hard work, hard work. Suffice it to say that I worked for three years and that the final version after I landed seven drafts. If I shall convey to readers the middle of the emotions I felt while writing it, can only be satisfied . Talking about emotions, deserves mention the thrill caused by the recent participation in the Matrix talk show on Channel 5 . Giustina Porcelli they have been guests during the special episode for twenty years in Italy the Beautiful soap , aired June 4 last year. Why? Simple, his first book is titled "101 Reasons not stop looking Beautiful" (Morellini Editore) e non è sfuggito alla redazione del noto programma tv, che ha contattato la scrittrice in qualità di esperta. Una chiamata che lei ricorda così: “All’inizio avevo pensato di non andare per timore di essere etichettata come “quella di Beautiful ”. Poi, però, ho capito che l’apparizione televisiva (tra l’altro non è la prima, ndr ) sarebbe stata un buon mezzo di propaganda per il libro e ho accettato l’invito”. Negli studi romani di Mediaset ha conosciuto il conduttore Alessio Vinci, ma soprattutto ha conosciuto e dialogato con quattro degli attori che interpretano il longevo sceneggiato. Sensazioni? “È stata un’esperienza in some ways the surreal: the black Mercedes driver in the airport, make-up artists who were speaking to each commercial break, be sitting on the famous white armchair next to the legendary Eric, Brandon, Steffy, Thorne's first ... It's fun. I fell in love with John McCook, alias Eric Forrester, who is in the cast from the beginning and now is a real mentor. But the other actors are kind and cheerful. " A Giustina increasingly on the launching pad, then. We do not have to wait in the City of Fools, where he will return soon - has lived for many years in Milan - for earned vacation and maybe a presentation for "housewife" de La Prima Donna .

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

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290 - DDL: Free Size Unlike

I Fantasmagorici Sceneggiatori di Beautiful sono appena ritornati dal quadrante DDL, unico foglio dell’universo in cui le comuni leggi della fisica e del fisico non hanno valuta.

Pratici di viaggi intergalattici e alieni al jumbo jet lag, gli Autori della super soap hanno snobbato come sempre la luce bianca in fondo al tunnel spaziale, e sono piombati negli studios Los Angelini con la soluzione alla questione che ogni soapdipendente s’è posto: “chi diavolo è il padre di Marcus? "(See reason 206 - Yellow Ribbon)," which is the irrepressible - and only black - Lieutenant Baker?

responses to cold case of B & B is located in the Freedom of different size, where very few minds are free to access (with powerful and expensive hallucinogenic drugs) and leave at will (but only after the effects of psychotropic acids ingested and / or lapped).

Parked De L'Oreal Paris in the garage, the writers of Space Beautiful were fed to us the solution to yet another case (not more) of the unresolved soap: the father of Marcus Walton and Justin Barber. How would "... and who the hell is?

Right arm of Bill Jr. by a certain number of years (the winds of Marcus), the new entry is the President of the New York Spencer Publications. An enemy of Forrester, then. And a new antagonist of Eric, with his usual impeccable timing, has decided to adopt the son of a woman now that he spat out the DDL The Real Father Justino.
Yes, Justino. So?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What Causes You Face To Appear Red

The magic number 3964 and the broken watch

Even a clock (analog) broken, twice a day marks the exact time. This well-known proverb in my opinion is the most suitable for describing many of the alleged paranormal phenomena presented by shows such as Mystery (Italy 1) and Voyager (Rai 2). In one of the last episodes of the latter, Roberto Giacobbo talks about the magic number 3964 as a key to predicting who will win the World Cup currently underway in South Africa.

The mechanism is as follows: 3964 - 2010 = 1954.Ovvero: to know the name of the next national champion of the world, just steal the magic number (3964 precisely), the year of global interest (in our case 2010) and you get another year (1954). So the team that won in 1954 will be the winner this year.

Bello, you say. But the evidence? How can we be sure that really works?

occurs: if we divide by 2 we get the magic number 1982 (incidentally, the year of the third victory for Italy, will be a chance? ), then we can deduce that all the victorious teams from 1986 onwards will be the same as counting backwards from 1978 (1986 and 1978, 1990 and 1974, 1994 and 1970, 1998 and 1966, 2002 and 1962, 2006 and 1958).

So going to comb through the appropriate Wikipedia page :

1986 -
Argentina 1978 - Argentina
Want to see what really works?

1990 - West Germany
1974 - West Germany

1994 -
Brazil 1970 - Brazil

1998 -
France 1966 - England
Uhm ... there is something wrong ...

2002 -
Brazil 1970 - Brazil
works here more ...

2006 -
Italy 1958 - Brazil
And here of course not!

But we come to this year: in 1954 he won ( suspense ...) to Germany, but will not even in the final having been beaten just last night from Spain.


on 6 tests, the reliability of the magic number is 50% the same as throwing a coin into the air.
Perhaps the creator of the rumor tried to apply the scientific method, based on observing the phenomenon (some mirrored in the national winners of the World Cup than in 1982) and then trying a theory to represent him.
But the scientific method also requires experience, or to verify the results of the theory. Results which, unfortunately for Germany, are wrong.

not enough for a theory of functions, or sometimes, as in this case, half the time.
must always work!

PS: Regarding the octopus Paul, already widely talked about Online Query.