Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cold Sores And Hypothyroidism

Il primo Maggio è finito

There are people and will continue to die at work, people who accept contracts and phony people who will bend to do anything to work.

We got so much because we are a people poorly educated and poorly informed.

Education and information go hand in hand, so we have to fight to get them to live in a better society where rights are respected.

Because no one can take the piss with slogans, broken promises and demagogic phrases.

"Keep control of what we see, retain control of what we hear, see se sotto l'aspetto invitante di un'esca non sia nascosto un amo. Sconfiggere il nemico è guardarsi dentro, cercare il proprio centro e dargli vita come a un fuoco quasi spento, renderlo vivo
e dargli movimento"


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