Wednesday, November 24, 2010

See Yourself With Different Hair Men

advice on social media marketing and why.

Explain why a advice on social media marketing is not easy and many do not know what I am in general, so I explain it here.

I begin my studies in communication policy that is being keen on marketing (two things that are very close in many see separate). The numerous readings have led me to think about social conditioning, the behavior of individuals, individualism and theories of group and then to reflect on myself and my way of acting in society.

From these studies, I developed the idea that we're pretty slave communication, which we almost imposed by the so-called "old media" (radio and TV) but also by some advertising strategies that we find on the Web

These thoughts I have a passion for social communication that I have always considered the cleanest form of advertising and useful, but the world of advertising is virtually impenetrable caste.
So I threw myself on the web, trying to understand how those who once were victims of one-way message to radio and TV have been perceived as the possibility for a say on the web can often change things.

understand to be a potential creator of the message and not the victim is not easy for many, because the imprint was to be the message from a young age. But the new generations (known as "Generation Y" or "digital natives") have a totally different approach.
manipulate it means as if they had always known and create a communication on equal terms with the brands and companies so they are not more victims, restructuring (very slowly) the relationship with the major brands, which in turn have abbassato la guardia e cominciato a comunicare e a cercare feedback.

Ma per molte aziende non è facile lanciarsi in un mondo ignorato fino al giorno prima.

Da qui nasce l'idea del social media marketing con il blog dedicato a questa materia.

L'idea iniziale era quella di coinvolgere le aziende in un processo che dalla comunicazione (non più unidirezionale) entrasse nelle dinamiche lavorative fino a stravolgerle.
Fare cioè della trasparenza, grazie ai social media, il fiore all'occhiello della propria comunicazione, cambiando anche quelle dinamiche di segretezza e mistificazione che hanno portato molti consumatori a boicottare determinate marche.

Ovviamente pretendere un cambiamento del Gender is almost utopian, but the drop of water is able to dig large holes if it falls on a regular basis.

is why the tools have matured and monitoring methodologies have been created in order to understand what is being said around the brands and products to straighten the shot and start the change.

The development of the social web has been instrumental in making this change. Indeed platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Friendfeed, together with Google and other search engines, have the opportunity to try and truly understand what consumers want.

And what is undoubtedly seek equal treatment and a clarity that, where possible, can be declined on various social networking profiles with ad hoc, made to help the customer and make him share of first choices that were made behind closed doors.

on the business side, the real news was the result of the reconsideration consumantore / city.

Today, you can not think of a strategy and a product without considering what will produce buzz anywhere. And this, in my opinion, is already a comforting if we think of the deception of certain companies made with the support of television advertising, to help create positive messages for products whose negativity was visible to everyone.

If a product today is its negative end is the beginning. We can no longer imagine not being on the Web, and once above it is necessary to ensure that everything we create for the consumer is perfect, so as to have no retaliation.

I think it's a great victory for communication, consumers and even businesses.

Sociality also the means to rediscover first sides kept in the cellar. Improve relations with people and small steps towards achieving a better society where everyone can live peacefully without being victims or slaves.

Many will think, "What does all this with a consultation on social media marketing?"

Well, this was the preamble, fundamental to be conscious of what you should do if you want to promote your business on the web.

It 's a bit like living knowing from whom we descend. It gives us awareness of our future actions (although for many this does not happen: P).

And 'This is what I am. I like to offer my contribution to improving the relationship between companies and consumers using a communication suit the needs of both. Direct and clear.

Who thinks it is unnecessary, the call is to feel in 5 years. Come see me on


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